The Capability and Independence Scale


To See Preview of the Capability and Independence Scale Manual






Subjects: Special Education, Life Skills, Quality of Life, and Career Readiness

Grade Levels: Staff, special education teachers, homeschool

Resource Type: Assessment Professional Documents (School Transition, Parents,

Format:  PDF. Digital

The CAIS(c) is personalized to support the young person through post school outcomes. It was  (1) developed from my dissertation research findings, and tested and 2) used directly with high school special education students, and (3) used with clients in Vocational Rehabilitation. Lastly I have personally used the CAIS© with my own autistic son, determining his support need and then applying person-centered-supports to help him in job tasks and personal activities.

As an educator, therapist, or parent you may have a young adult who is dependent upon a greater need of supports. While the person may be capable of doing tasks for a job, hobby, or volunteer work, the the level of supports needed and the person-centered-supports may best enable h-her capability and social emotional adaptation. This tool will help you, the student and parents during planning, and determining supports for best outcomes.

Additionally, when applying the insights from this informal tool to the student’s goal, it can lead students to a higher level of participation and capability, regardless of where they are in their development or functionality. Lastly, I have found tool is valuable to new unfamiliar support staff in community living or supported employment agencies who will be accepting a new client for the first time.


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My best,

Dr. Jackie Marquette


Author – writing about emotional supports relating to youth self-advocacy, career

development, and well-being to adapt.

Independent Qualitative Researcher

Total Pages

91 pages

Answer Key
