I wrote and published, Becoming Remarkably Able: Walking the Path to Talents, Interests and Personal Growth in 2007. In 2016 I updated parts of it and turned it into a digital product. Becoming Remarkably Able was relevant then and today it is even just as relevant as a model to support youth social emotional adaptation for emotional health. There has been for a while a national youth employment crisis and today youth are facing COVID-19 and other emergency situations in our world. Youth need our attention and this book is timeless in the focus on our youth in transition and their well-being.
2016 update:
Walking the Path (WP) is a user-friendly, engaging emotional learning model for youth with ASD and developmentally disabilities (DD) who are in transition from adolescence to adulthood. With supports, Becoming Remarkably Able: Walking the Path to Talents, Interests, and Personal Growth (with 5 chapters 280 pages) can help prepare the student for employment/supported employment, leisure, and greater community adaptation.
As an educator, counselor, parent, or advocate,
Are you:
seeking a practical tools and practical informal assessments to help the young adult to access employment, attend college, participate in leisure/hobby, or have more independence?
as a special educator seeking helpful ways for parents to create a meaningful life, both emotionally and socially for their son/daughter as an adult?
concerned about the future of children diagnosed with autism or other severe disabilities and how they will find an employment niche or hobby?