Become Remarkably Able: Have the Life you Can be Proud Of

51jqnsWruWL“Remarkably Able” is a description of an individual with autism or other disability who becomes involved in the process of exploring who he really is through opportunities to self-express. The ‘Remarkably Able’ student or adult’s unique personal expression can be revealed through his specific gift, interest, or strength.

Initiating the first step with ongoing practice can have powerful effects.   Consider these five effects to identifying, exploring and offering your gift:


  1. opens a new world to peer connections.
  2. enjoys greater ease to participate in organizations/clubs, or leisure.
  3. finds suitable employment or a clearly defined career direction.
  4. experiences increased self emotional awareness with capability.
  5. reaches a higher level of self awareness, self-expression, and capability.

Thank you for reading my blog. If you think it can help others, please feel free to share. I would love to hear your comments

Dr. Jackie Marquette

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